



Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hillary Clinton has accepted an offer from President-elect Barack Obama to become US Secretary of State, according to reports.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton put their rivalry aside
The New York Times quoted two Clinton associates as saying: "She's ready."
They said she came to her decision after talks with Mr Obama about the nature of her role as the top US diplomat and his foreign policy plans.
Experts say her selection could mean a more hawkish US stance, as she has been more reluctant than Mr Obama to commit to a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq.
This is a bold choice for the President-elect known as 'No Drama Obama'. It is a high stakes gamble...which will either be a 'sheer stroke of genius' or his 'first big blunder.US political analyst Jon-Christopher Bua
Meanwhile, speculation is growing that the National Security Adviser job will go to James L Jones, who has spent a lifetime in military service.
Sky News political analyst Jon-Christopher Bua said: "The appointment of Marine General James L Jones Jr would bring to Mr Obama's team a masterful and adept insider whose views will be invaluable on so many critical world issues.
"This former Marine commandant and commander of Nato has the proven interpersonal skills and management capabilities needed to channel the most vital national security intelligence directly to the president on a level once reserved for the likes of Henry A Kissinger."
Other top USpoliticians getting the plum roles in the administration include Timothy Geithner, who is expected to become Treasury Secretary, and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson Commerce Secretary.
Mr Obama is due to announce his economic team on Monday in an effort to calm markets.
But US shares have already reacted strongly to the Treasury selection news, with the Dow Jones soaring 492.94 points (6.53%) to a preliminary close of 8,045.23.
Bua said: "It's time to restore confidence in the market place and Barack Obama has made an excellent choice in doing just that.
"Timothy Geithner, a real team player, is a good choice for the Secretary of the Treasury since in his current role as president and chief executive of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York he knows the key players.
"And he has been intimately involved in negotiating the solutions with the major banks in New York."
A correspondent said although the news about Mrs Clinton's appointment has yet to be confirmed, it appears to be true.
He said an official confirmation is expected after the November 27 Thanksgiving holiday.
He added: "She has had doubts about this because it means giving up her independence, which a Senator has on Capitol Hill - and also probably a much enhanced role on Capitol Hill.
"And she will now be working for the man who defeated her in a rather bitter contest to be the Democratic candidate.
"What we're hearing now after a week of speculation is that she has been offered the job, she has accepted it. Not from either camp officially, but from the New York Times.
"The New York Times is very close to Mrs Clinton. She is, after all, the Senator for New York. They have very good contacts close to her. They also have good contacts close to President-elect Obama.
"So it looks as though, at last, after a week of speculation that probably this is correct."
Bua said: "In his quest to emulate Abraham Lincoln's 'team of rivals', Barack Obama is offering the highest position in his administration to his former chief rival to represent him to the world.
"This is a bold choice for the President-elect known as 'No Drama Obama'. It is a high stakes gamble, subject to how this nomination is received, which will either be a 'sheer stroke of genius' or his 'first big blunder'.
"Judged solely on her own merits, Hillary is clearly an exceptionally bright and qualified candidate ready and able to take on this challenge."

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