US President Barack Obama touches down in the UK tonight - ready to cruise the capital's streets in a £250,000 rocket-grenade launching limo dubbed THE BEAST
Mr Obama steps out of his presidential limo during a trip to Illinois

He lands with an entourage of 500 - including 200 secret service staff and a medical team carrying pints of his own blood type.
Mr Obama will use a plane, a helicopter and a limousine and be followed by a fleet of ambulances and decoy vehicles.
The £250,000 Beast is equipped with rocket-propelled grenades, a night-vision camera and pump-action shotguns to destroy would-be attackers.
Manholes in city roads have been bolted down, bins removed and British security snipers placed in tall buildings across the city.
The Beast's titanium superstructure is capable of shielding the president from a chemical weapons attack. Its sealed interior forms an impregnable "panic room" if the vehicle is attacked.
The car contains a tear-gas cannon, oxygen tanks and bottles of the president's AB blood. It can drive at speeds of more than 60mph with punctured tyres.
The five-inch rocket proof glass is so thick that Mr Obama needs flourescent light to read in the darkness
Mr Obama will use a plane, a helicopter and a limousine and be followed by a fleet of ambulances and decoy vehicles.
The £250,000 Beast is equipped with rocket-propelled grenades, a night-vision camera and pump-action shotguns to destroy would-be attackers.
Manholes in city roads have been bolted down, bins removed and British security snipers placed in tall buildings across the city.
The Beast's titanium superstructure is capable of shielding the president from a chemical weapons attack. Its sealed interior forms an impregnable "panic room" if the vehicle is attacked.
The car contains a tear-gas cannon, oxygen tanks and bottles of the president's AB blood. It can drive at speeds of more than 60mph with punctured tyres.
The five-inch rocket proof glass is so thick that Mr Obama needs flourescent light to read in the darkness
did other presidents, specifically George W Bush take his presidential limo overseas when he traveled?