1. You are always craving for some alone time
2. You dont go out together anymore
3. You stop having sex ... alarm bells
4. You prefer seeing your friends to seeing your partner
5. You stop touching each other
6. You stop kissing
7. They no longer make you laugh
8. You dont chat anymore...small talk is important
9. You are in a constant 'argh' state...every little thing they do makes your eyes roll
10. They are in a constant 'argh' state
11. You do all the chores
12. You dont care about your appearance
13. Valentine's day is forgotten
14. You are doing all the givin or all the taking
15. You've stopped liking yourself
16. Your friends think they are bad for you
17. You compare them with other men or women
18. You look up to your ex's
19. You wish they would change...you cant change a person to better suit you, instead find someone who is already your perfect match
20. You say 'I love you' but dont mean it...
PS if you noticed when things go wrong, never look at the other person, look at YOU its up to you to get yourself out of unhappines and place yourself in a loving, funny happy relationship...
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